Glamelia Roses

Galmelia Bouquet a New Trend


If you haven’t heard of a Glamelia bouquet you are not alone. These little beauties are a brand new trend that has been popping up […]

Wedding Centrepieces

Fancy Sharing Your Flowers With Another Bride?


Aliquam bibendum, lectus vitae placerat tristique, dui eros vulputate enim, eu convallis magna nisl quis eros. Sed auctor faucibus mi sodales tempus. Nunc vel lectus erat.

Backyard Wedding

The Backyard Wedding


Some of the best weddings that we have ever had the pleasure of setting up were in the humble backyard. And why not?  When […]

Wedding Mistakes

5 Common Wedding Flower Mistakes


Wedding flowers can be one of the hardest aspects of your wedding to plan. With so many choices, colours, styles and prices, it can […]
